
E-Commerce Is Dead, Long Live E-Commerce: Part 2 (Bonobos Case)

This is the second post in the series. In the first part, I talked about how the dominance of one player on the eyewear market led to unjustifiably high prices for the consumers, thus creating an opportunity for a massive disruption.

This time, I wanted to focus on an entirely different kind of market: much more diversified, often characterized by cutthroat competition and therefore low margins. This space, however, still offers room for a significant innovation in terms of product, customer service and operations.

Clothing Industry: Huge But Competitive

Apparel market in the U.S. alone reached $208 billion in 2014, according to NPD Group estimates. Footwear and accessories accounted for another $62 and $52.7 billion, respectively. Online apparel sales reached $52 billion. What’s even more interesting is that the space remained quite fragmented: top-9 retailers accounted only for 35% of the market, with Macy’s, Wal-Mart and Target being the largest ones with 9%, 7% and 5.4% shares.

Putting all those numbers aside, the main question is whether there still is a significant opportunity for innovation in this market. Granted, the market is huge, which creates strong incentives to look for untapped opportunities. However, unlike the eyewear market discussed in the first part of this post, this is also a very efficient market (in terms of competition), with a huge amount of players operating in the space: for example, apparel retailers’ net profit margins are usually lower than all-industry retail averages of around 8%. E-commerce apparrel retailers lack high margins as well because, while having significant advantages in terms of operations, they are usually forced to accept lower gross margins due to intense competition, lack of differentiation and a number of other issues (e.g. high percentage of returns), and also often have to engage in...

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E-Commerce Is Dead, Long Live E-Commerce: Part 1 (Warby Parker Case)

In 2015, e-commerce sales in the U.S. accounted for $341.7 billion, with 14.6% growth rate over the previous year, and there are no signs of this growth slowing down in the future. Still, while the revenues of online retailers are soaring, very few of those are actually profitable or have a decent chance of turning profitable in the near future.

The reason why it is so difficult to build a sustainable business in the e-commerce space is simple: the vast majority of online retailers look too much alike. Sure, there are some differences, but most of those are still selling the same products to the same customers, thus creating a fertile ground for perfect competition. As a result, the gross margins become depressed, the marketing and operating costs soar, and ultimately the profits are competed away. Even Amazon, famously known for its brutal efficiency, was never really been profitable until a couple years ago (and those profits now come from AWS services, not its online retail business).

But while e-commerce in general might be a tough space to succeed, it doesn’t mean that the opportunities to build successful companies making huge impact on the customers aren’t there. One just needs to know to look hard enough to uncover those.


Imagine going to the mall to buy some clothes. You look around and see all the usual brands: Gap, J.Crew, Banana Republic, H&M, Levi’s and many others, all of them there. But as you enter the first store and start checking the items, you notice a strange pattern. Everything costs $200. You check a few pairs of jeans, a jacket, several tees — everything costs the same. Bewildered, you move to the next store, but there...

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The Benefits Of Being Agile

There are five items in the top menu of Starbucks mobile app. Four of those allow you to place the order, reload your Starbucks card and find nearby shops. The last and the most noticeable one, however, has nothing to do with coffee. Instead, it allows Starbucks customers to connect their Spotify accounts into Starbucks app in order to be able to track music played at local Starbucks stores, listen to it from their smartphones and organize their favorite songs into playlists. The integration is done in both directions, which means that the users can not only enjoy the music through their Starbucks app, but also access Starbucks playlists from Spotify application.

Spotify struck a deal with Starbucks in 2015, making it public just a month before the launch of Apple Music. The timing was rather peculiar considering that Starbucks has already had an exclusive partnership with iTunes for almost 8 years by then. Still, Starbucks chose to go with an independent player rather than expand further expand its long-existing partnership with arguably the most influential company in the music industry in the U.S. Starbucks and Spotify announced that the roll-out of the service was to start in the U.S. in the fall of 2015, followed by Canada and the United Kingdom.

Spotify Rise to Dominance

Today, Spotify is the largest music streaming service in the world, sporting over 100 million active users and 30 million users on its monthly subscription plans as of June 2016. This is a pretty impressive result for 10-year old company that was started in 2006 in Stockholm, and until 2011 wasn’t even present in the U.S. market.

Those numbers didn’t come easy, though. Over its history, Spotify has raised over $2.5 billion in funding, including $1 billion in convertible debt from TPG, Dragoneer, and clients of Goldman Sachs in a round closed in March this year. While Spotify sported a huge valuation of...

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Why Microsoft’s Acquisition Of LinkedIn Might Be A Great Thing After All

When Microsoft and LinkedIn announced the acquisition on Monday, the Web literally exploded. Most publishers went with the articles that were either neutral or questioning of the deal. Bloggers and regular users were much less forgiving. Many voiced concerns that the price Microsoft had agreed to pay was unreasonably high, that Microsoft had had very little success integrating acquired businesses into the wider offering of their products before, or that combining LinkedIn social graph with Microsoft productivity tools would mean that the users would enjoy even less privacy. While most of these concerns could turn out true, I personally have a more positive outlook of this acquisition.

The Opportunities

Most M&A deals in tech can be broadly attributed to one of two distinct categories: product acquisitions and business acquisitions. In case of product acquisition, the acquirer is typically going after the product/technology, and the team behind it, with the ultimate goal of either strengthening some of its already existing products, or integrating this new product in their broad ecosystem, thus offering their customers additional services. In case of business acquisition, the objectives can be less obvious. As such deals typically happen at the later stages, the business of the company being acquired may already be successful on its own. This means that while the acquirer may still go after that company hoping to use it to strengthen its own business lines, it is also possible that the main goal is to use the vast resources of the parent company to help the company being acquired grow its own business further.

Most articles covering the acquisition of LinkedIn were primarily focused on the ways LinkedIn’s extensive userbase and social graph might be used to augment certain Microsoft products. While Microsoft indeed draws very significant revenues from a number of products that might benefit from the deeper integration with LinkedIn, many wondered (e.g. Peter Bright from Ars Technica if it would make more sense for Microsoft to try and enter some form of extensive partnership with LinkedIn instead of going forward with...

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